Who am I?

A professional head shot of me, the website author, wearing a shirt, tie, and blazer.

If I had a specialization, it would be curiosity

Let me explain. 

When I was younger, I told my family I wanted to learn how to play piano, but was ignored. The assumption was I just wanted to copy my siblings (I'm the youngest).

Eventually, my family relented, signing me up for lessons. 

There was just one problem: I was only playing one style of music. 

Classical. But...I didn't just want to play classical

I wanted to explore other styles, which I eventually did. Jazz. The blues. Gospel. Ragtime. 

As time progressed, I started blending styles. This is most notably captured in Funky Beethoven - my bluesy adaptation of Beethoven's most well-known work, Für Elise

My curiosity tends to make me nonconformist. It's in my nature to take interest in the road less traveled. 

It also drives me towards a wide variety of interests, perspectives, and experiences. Over time this has also led to me being a generalist

Still reading? Alright, here's what else curiosity has done, by way of another example. 

I've dabbled in different martial arts over the years. The one that continues to draw my interest is Capoeira. Wikipedia describes Capoeira as "an Afro-Brazilian martial art and game that includes elements of dance, acrobatics, music, and spirituality." 

Suffice to say Capoeira isn't your "traditional" martial art, although there are certainly discernible elements. I enjoy exploring how these elements interact. So, curiosity has also contributed to me being a systems thinker. 

In my experience, curiosity isn't welcome from rank-and-file employees who are - for the most part - expected to be tactical. Hence, I've taken refuge in consulting. So, my curiosity has led me to be a strategist. Systems thinking helps immensely with this part of my work. 

My curiosity tends to make my career path read like a nightmare to some and a dream to others

Want a more professional vibe? Alright, I got you. I'm a social and behavioral scientist who examines organizations and the ways people behave within them. I also explore how organizations themselves interact with different groups and markets. 

Alright, that's it for now. If you're curious to learn more (pun intended), drop me a line. 
